18 januari, 2025

Nyhet: Microsoft nära hitta ny VD

Microsoft kämpar med att hitta en ersättare till Steve Ballmer, men lättare sagt än gjort. Nu är dom nere på fem potentiella kandidater.

Det verkar inte vara de lättaste för Microsoft att hitta en ersättare till Steve Ballmer som ska leda ett företag som Microsoft, men nu har det kommit fram att man än så länge har kommit fram till fem intressanta kandidater.

Tyvärr så har det bara släpps info om fyra av kandidaterna och den sista verkar Microsoft själva vara lite osäkra på.

Alan Mulally – chief executive officer of Ford Motor Co., who has successfully reshaped the company’s management and even avoided federal bailout in 2009. The problem is that while he may be open to new opportunities and could reform the software giant, he is 68 years old and cannot be far off retirement. Still, all he actually needs to do is to turnaround Microsoft in three or four years and not necessarily stay CEO for a decade.

Stephen Elop – former chief executive of Nokia, who has nearly destroyed the Finnish company after he took the reins in 2010. While the person already was a Microsoft executive and even will become a Microsoft employee after the software giant acquires Nokia’s devices division, he does not seem to be a complete outsider from Microsoft.

Tony Bates – former head of Skype, who is also a Microsoft employee these days. Currently he develops new business strategy for the software giant.

Satya Nadella – a Microsoft executive responsible for cloud and enterprise technologies who has been at Microsoft since 1992 and clearly has emotional ties to the company’s products.

Unknown candidate.

När vi får reda på vem som blir VD för Microsoft vet vi inte heller men om de blir i år är nog ganska uteslutet.

Källa: xbitlabs.com

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