Battlefield 4-betan är i dagsläget tillgänglig för alla, men har tidigare saknat variation fram tills idag då Obliteration tillkom.

Dice utannonserades via Twitter och beskrivs av Dice själva på detta vis:

In Obliteration, a bomb spawns at a random location on the map. Both teams must fight to pick up the bomb, drop it off at one of their opponent’s three objectives, arm it, and destroy the objective. Once a bomb has detonated, the next one randomly spawns in a new location and the chaos starts all over.

The game lasts until one team has detonated the other team’s three objectives. Obliteration can be devastatingly quick or a harrowing tug of war depending on how good your team is at staying together and delivering the bomb. Like most other game modes, there is usually also a time limit in place to make sure the match does not go on for too long.


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