9 mars, 2025

Nyhet: Bäst sålda spel till Sony konsoler

Sony säljer en hel del spel via Playstation Network och nu har dom avslöjat vilka spel som sålt bäst under 2013 till Sonys konsoler.

Playstation 3
1. Minecraft Playstation 3 Edition
2. Battlefield 4
3. Gran Turismo 6
4. Fifa 14
5. The Walking Dead: Season Two
6. Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag
7. Crysis 3
8. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
9. The Last of Us
10. WWE 2K14

Playstation 4
1. Fifa 14
2. Battlefield 4
3. Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag
4. Need for Speed Rivals
5. Call of Duty: Ghosts
6. Trine 2: Complete Story
7. Flower
8. Killzone Shadow Fall
9. Flow
10. NBA 2K14

Playstation Vita
1. The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season
2. Terraria
3. Killzone Mercenary
4. Need for Speed: Most Wanted
5. Persona 4 Golden
6. Muramasa Rebirth
7. Fifa 14
8. Assassin’s Creed III Liberation
9. Rayman Legends
10. Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut

PSone och PS2 Classics
1. Crash Bandicoot
2. Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped
3. Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
4. CTR: Crash Team Racing
5. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
6. Final Fantasy VII
7. Spyro The Dragon Trilogy
8. Final Fantasy VIII
9. Final Fantasy IX
10. Driver

Källa: blog.eu.playstation.com

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